Friday, November 14, 2008

Sure you .........

Sure you have read a thousand some books and the heaviest treasure you have is the dust on them....

Five Degrees and a diploma meticulously hung up on the wall...

Your prestigious high and mighty association....

Your rather obese pay check, a friendly reminder of your worth.....

a sip of (shaken not stirred) vodka and your complex metaphysical perspective....

Sure you have left your blood, sweat and tear at strong and vulnerable parts of life...

Sure you crack people up.........sure your heavy eyes foretell your wisdom and intellect, your presence intimidate hearts. Sure you can sing along with the radio; lyrics to lyrics; hum to hum, play a note touch a chord.

Sure you can make and break with ease and perfection.....

You have landed on significant parts of the globe, have pictures to wow friends.

Sure you can remember quotes and names; use bulls eye metaphors. Your sentence contains more than 20 words, sure your comprehension and grammatical skills are unmatched......

Sure you have gone through distinct struggle and have superior life tales to seduce minds.....

you are cerebral and cool at all times............... Sure you can manipulate views and amend decisions.

Sure you can find your ways through bewilderment, show roads to the confused......

Sure your driving skills make winds self-conscious and your affinity towards gadgetry makes Bond blush.

Sure your ego is incredible and your sarcasm..... "effective".

Sure your heart break is profound, your nerve’s tender.

Sure your hesitation is anything but ignorance, your continuity nothing but expertise.....

Sure your s p a c e is divine, your time is treasured.

Sure sporadic truth imprisons you and silence sets you free....

Sure you are the chosen warrior, cautiously reckless wanderer..

Sure you are this, that and the other.

But I can take you. Yup (’s yes not yup) I can take ya. I can create life; I HAVE created life, a beautiful, innocent life. A life that would crawl from infancy to eternity. A soul that would evolve to form generation, a new voice, a new beginning. What say you? Can you match? Anything more powerful? Sure you can inflict but can you bear?

Sure you…………….


Anonymous said...

touche :)

Amul Badjatya (Jain) said...

awesome ..... to create a meticulously carved successful personality is one thing but nothing aces the divine job of motherhood....nothing can exceed the patience and pain a woman undergoes to create a child.....awesome....

kalyani said...

Frikkin awesome!!!!!! Wow! Such fluidity. Loved the pun in the punch line "Sure you can inflict but can you bear?" Genius.

Praxis said...

Thanks y'all. It really means a lot.

Anonymous said...

Wow.......I have no Its witty, intelligent, profound, bangs on true ( yes I am a male and looks like I do have a few words :).Your piece has such a powerful closure, its subtle and extremely effective, love the flow throughout, never fails to grab the interest. Its just awesome....totally awesome.

Anonymous said...

Tell me you were not talking to me, please ;) - infinity

Praxis said...

@Anonymous- Thank you so much. You are really kind.

Praxis said...

@Infinity- Thank you. Your guess is as good as mine; what do you think? :D